Navigating a Digital World that is Pursuing our Children
Hybrid Event Virtual Register at Registration required for virtual event. In this training, we talk about technology, social media and adolescent brain development. We are navigating a digital world that is pursuing our children. Technology has given us access to everything, but it has also given everything access to us. As more and more children are given smartphones at earlier ages, we are seeing an increase in mental health issues, sleep problems, and learning delays. Now add in the dynamic of a brain that has been affected by early adversity, and you have a recipe for disaster. It could be said that we are in an abusive relationship with our smartphones. They are causing anxiety, depression, isolation and poor self-image and yet, they are what we turn to in order to escape. This training will examine the impact of excess dopamine on the brain, the pain pleasure balance, and how to regain control from our technologically driven world.
Navigating a Digital World that is Pu...
Date and Time
Friday Jul 21, 2023 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM MST
Friday, July 21, 2023 | 9:00 am to 11:00 am
Prescott Valley Police Department, Training Room 7601 E. Skoog Blvd., Prescott Valley