Every Thursday beginning at 11:00, Bronzesmith Fine Art Gallery and Foundry offers tours of the foundry. Learn the incredible lost wax process and see how an artist's sculpture is cast in bronze in a step-by-step demonstration. Witness the excitement of a bronze pour. Experience our sculpture garden and galleries, showcasing limited edition bronze from over 50 of the country's leading sculptors. Please call ahead and make your reservation. 928-772-2378 The cost is $20 per person. Individuals and small groups are welcome. It's fun and informative!
Thursday Aug 8, 2024
11:00 AM - 4:00 PM MST
Every Thursday beginning at 11:00. The only Thursdays during the year that we don't do the tours is on Thanksgiving which is November 28th, and December 26th.
7331 2nd St Prescott Valley AZ 86314
The cost is $20 per person
Please call ahead and make your reservation. 928-772-2378
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7120 Pav Way, Prescott Valley, AZ 86314 – (928) 772-8857 – steve@pvchamber.org